Dark Monday
Since 2016, it has been an annual pleasure to host the prolific American Author & Poet Daniel Regelbrugge. His texts are scintillating and spellbinding and
Since 2016, it has been an annual pleasure to host the prolific American Author & Poet Daniel Regelbrugge. His texts are scintillating and spellbinding and it is always a treat to hear him present samples of his latest work in the field of poetry, prose and short stories.
Daniel Regelbrugge is an American poet and author. He was born in Detroit, MI, and went on to study English and French literature, as well as Russian and International Relations. He has written four novels, four collections of short stories, and a collection of poetry. All of these works are available on Amazon. Daniel manages language training and linguist support to real world missions and exercises for US Army Europe & Africa.
NEAT – New English American Theatre is proud to feature aspiring as well as established, published Authors, Poets, Playwrights and giving them the opportunity to present their own works on a regular basis with the DARK MONDAY @ MERLIN series. In the past we have collaborated with prize winning author Jadi Campbell on several Music & Text projects, presented new plays by Michael Hilton, introduced the young Scottish Poet Archie MacJoyce to our Stuttgart audience, hosted the award winning Poets Stephen Thomas and Sera Babakus, along with our long standing collaboration with The Writers in Stuttgart collective.
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Merlin Kulturzentrum
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▶ Festes Kontingent von 5 Freikarten pro Veranstaltung.
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▶ Bitte vorher telefonisch unter 0711 – 61 85 49 nach Kartenkontingenten fragen.
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Telefon: 0711 – 61 85 49
Email: info@merlinstuttgart.de